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If you’re considering replacing your central AC unit, the terms 单级、两级、变速 are going to come up in your online searches and conversations with 世界杯足彩app下载 contractors. To make the right decision about which central air conditioner is right for you, it’s important to understand how each of these options will impact your comfort and budget. All of these terms refer to the speeds – or speed, in one case – at which a central air conditioning

Types of 中央空调 Units: Single-Stage, Two-Stage and Variable-Speed


想象一下你在开车, and your only means of maintaining the speed limit is to floor it or take your foot off the gas pedal. 这是 单级 技术. A 单级 central AC system is either on – full blast – or off. 没有中间地带. 这导致了能源和金钱的浪费.

This is not to say a 单级 system is never the right choice. It is the least expensive type of central air conditioning system to purchase, so if upfront cost is a more important factor to you than long-term operating costs and performance, 这可能是正确的解决方案. 然而, 如果能源和成本效益对你很重要, 双速或变速交流机组可能更合适.


A 两级 central air conditioner has two levels of operation: low (approximately 70% of capacity) and high (100% of capacity). Most 两级 systems can meet cooling demands operating at the lower speed 80% of the time – even in 奥斯丁, 德州. This equates to significant savings over a 单级 system.


A 变速 central AC unit can operate at any percentage of its capacity, which means it only utilizes the energy necessary to meet cooling demands. 回到我们的驾驶例子. The 变速 scenario is more like using cruise control (we’re hypothesizing here, so there’s no 奥斯丁 traffic to prevent us from doing this). 你把它设置到你想要的速度限制(温度), and it maintains it by adjusting its energy usage to the environment.

You go up a hill (higher outside temperature), and it uses more power. You go down a hill (lower outside temperature), and it uses less. The ability to tailor output to demand makes 变速 units the most efficient and cost-effective to operate.

Benefits of two-speed and 变速 central air conditioners

单级系统的开关频率更高, while a two- or 变速 central AC unit runs for longer at lower speeds – cycling on and off much less often. In addition to the energy and cost savings discussed above, this offers important advantages:

  • 更一致的舒适度: 频繁的开/关循环意味着更大的温度波动. When a 单级 system kicks on, it often chills occupants with blasts of cold air. 当它达到所需的温度, 它会关闭, and the indoor environment grows increasingly warm and stuffy until the system delivers its next blast. 通过更连续的操作, a 两级 or 变速 central AC unit can maintain the desired temperature with less variation.
  • 湿度管理: 许多变速系统,包括 载波无限系列,可以在大多数条件下控制最大湿度水平. These systems run at low capacities for longer periods of time, increasing time on the cooling coil and therefore removing more moisture. They can also be set to slightly overcool when chasing your humidity setting. Our experience is that a properly sized variable capacity system in an average home can deliver humidity performance that eliminates the need for a separate dehumidifier.
  • 功能丰富的控制: In addition to Wi-Fi capability, variable capacity systems come with 恒温器 提供:
    • 其他设备管理, 比如高端过滤器和除湿器(或加湿器), 这在德州中部显然不需要).
    • 维修警报
    • 灵活的学习计划
    • 改进的区域控制, meaning they can control multiple rooms and scale operation down to affect only those areas that need cooling or heating.
  • 安静的操作: 典型的变容量系统, 再比如Carrier Infinity系列, 大部分时间几乎没有噪音吗. Only when chasing large temperature setbacks (temperature changes, 由用户驱动, 通常超过3度), 他们会提高运行速度和风扇转速吗.
  • 最高实用效率: SEER (Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio) and EER (Energy Efficiency Ratio) ratings do not completely equate to the lowest utility bills. 变量系统, while sometimes not sporting much better SEER and EER ratings, 会提供最低的电费吗. Think of a system that runs at lower capacity for twice as long, but with a quarter of the power consumption (essentially amp draw, 当电压恒定时).
  • 磨损少: 开关式循环不仅消耗更多的能量, but it also puts your central air conditioner under more stress. Less wear and tear can mean lower maintenance costs and longer lifespan, 尤其是在积极主动的情况下 维修服务. 如果保养得当, it is not unusual to have variable systems run for 15 to 20 years without needing replacement.


In summary, careful consideration of needs, wants and budget will help you make the best selection. 如果该单位是您的主要住所, 你打算在这里待上一段时间, 考虑一下能给你带来不同的选择. Most of our customers, once they experience the better 两级 or variable systems, never go back. 和买一辆新车一样,花更多的钱确实能得到更多. 不像一般的汽车, spending more also gets better efficiency and at least a partial financial return – if not full – on the added upfront cost.

在高效交流,电气 & 管道,我们有经验 修复 and installation of all of these system types and can help you weigh your options. We have provided professional AC services and complimentary in-home AC替换 consultations all over the 奥斯丁 area – from Kyle to Georgetown — since 1976. 请致电 512-501-2275 安排.
